The holiday was fabulous, I did nothing but lie in the sun, get massages, eat great food and drink!
Came home to a whirlwind of picking the animals up, getting ready for the new job and messages galore but I've still not met anyone in the flesh, I've been asked a fair bit but none of them I yet want to commit to a date with.
A few days at work, then my birthday weekend, I went home on the Saturday night, big night out, got home at half four in the morning, got told twice that I was beautiful and had a nice arse! Great night! Sunday was by birthday, had a few drinks and lunch with friends, Billy Bullshit turned up with flowers which was rather a surprise!
He keeps asking me out and then the Friday after he turns up at the pub with a girl with him, when I text him he said it was just a friend and a load of excuses, everyone's been trying to tell me to give him a go but actually it's not a great idea is it?!
Erm, a guy that I know from about four years ago has asked me out, I haven't said yes
There is someone new come onto the scene, we'll call him 'Too Soon' I've known him for a few years but not well (he's been married since I knew him) however they split up three weeks ago.
Sat in the pub garden on Friday evening I smell this person that smells amazing, couldn't work out who it was, a couple of hours later I was at the bar and the smell was near, I realised it was him and had a good old sniff, he smelt like it had been made for him, I smelt him a lot! He stayed after his mates, he made a point of walking me home, he wanted to come in but I said no, I went for a final sniff as as I did he kissed me, I've got to say it was a pretty awesome kiss, as I walked off he asked if I'd like to smell him again, I replied 'next time' to which he answered 'definitely'
I had a Facebook request from him on the Saturday, which I accepted.