Monday, 7 March 2011

The Weekend

Well dating didn't really make much of an appearance this weekend, I went to see a band locally on Saturday and guess who I should bump into? My Knight in Shining Leathers, lovely as always, however I can't work out why everyone is so shocked that we hug and kiss every time we see eachother?! The only thing I can think of is that I've never seen anyone else do it, hey ho! Anyway he was his usual lovely self.

I'd better watch some of his DVD's so he can bring some more round ;-)

Well you know what drinking brings by now don't you? Drunken texting, however I was a lot less drunk tonight and used that to my advantage, I asked the space cadet if the two non-dates were actually going to lead to a date, apparantly he thinks we should do some dinner, apparantly that's what he classes as a date, so yeah I should bloody think so, it's only been what, six months of e-mailing, four months of texting and over 2500 texts in the last eight weeks, oh and two non-dates, d'oh!

Lets see if that one materialises shall we? I do hate the fact that he can always manage to put a smile on my face but could that just be because he does it so often or is it genuine? It's hard being female isn't it?

The frog kissing will continue until that bloody Prince arrives, the only problem is I'm likely to be 90 by the time he does, why are men always bloody late for everything?!

Well tomorrow brings Blast from the Past boy over for a cuppa (he is fully aware that I don't like him in that way!)

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