Thursday, 28 July 2011

Thursday General Stuff

Wow it's been a busy week here!

I did go to see the Space Cadet last Thursday and we had a nice chilled out evening as ever (including kitten!) Usual set up, tea, laugher, tv, leaving his at 2 AM.

Have (obviously) had lots of texts since but he is doing my head in with all the rubbish he talks, the latest is a girl that is an old friend but has also been an ex and someone he used to mess around with, if people are going to lie why don't they remember what they are lying about?!

Squaddie got dumped on Sunday (his date two) quite spectacularly I might add and I have to say I was really pleased about it! I've tailed off on the texting this week as I don't really want to be anyone's second choice as it's not like I saw him and was wowed by him, he was just nice, I still stand by the fact that I think he's a bit of a womaniser and that's probably not something I want to get into!

On Tuesday I met up with another blast from the past, we'll call him Smiler, I went out with him when I was 18 and he was married (before you think badly of me I didn't know this at the time as he wasn't wearing his ring and didn't tell me) we were seeing eachother for a year when he showed up on my doorstep with his bags saying he'd left his wife, to be honest that was never really on the horizon and we'd not spoken about it so it was a bit of a shock, it wasn't the best of times and we split up about 6 months later.

We got in touch again on Facebook about 2 years or so ago, we both had partners but he wasnted to meet up, I said I didn't think it was appropriate as I was with W@nk bag and I didn't feel that it was fair, had I known then what I do now I wouldn't have hesitated! Anyway, we have tried to meet up a couple of times but I always end up running out of time but on Tuesday he was in my village to watch a football game so I went up, was nice to see him, he hasn't changed much, older but that's about it, he still has a girlfriend so we weren't meeting up as a date.

He texted me after to say I was looking great (all of these compliments from people from the past are lovely aren't they?!)

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