Well Messy Sunday was indeed errr messy! I got there and Blue Eyes, Evil Twin and Mr Modest were already there as usual as they play poker in the afternoon, Evil Twin text me this morning asking for the goss and commented that 'you wouldn't have got a piece of paper between you two last night' I didn't think we'd been that obvious but apparently I was wrong! I did notice at a couple of points he had his hand on my knee but I don't think he even realised it!
He'd told me he was going home early but we left at closing as ever and he walked me home which is becoming a bit of a habit, he commented as we left that he was going home to his and I was going home to mine, which I was fine with, when we got near his he said he'd walk me around to mine, I said I'd be fine as I always have been in the past but he insisted, he hovered saying he was going as he had to get up for work but came in anyway!
He also stayed (again!) and I somehow agreed to set my alarm for 5.30 for him, he had to be at work at 8.00 but still didn't leave until 7.30, total nightmare to get out of bed but to be fair I don't think I helped much!
He is sooo sweet, undeniable chemistry between us but I still had cold feet this morning, after being hurt I'm not really sure I'm ready to have a man in my life, although I'm not sure that's really what it is, maybe it's just a bit of friends with a bonus?
I've quite liked being single, been having a great time although at times it would be nice to have someone in my life, I keep going back to 'he's not really my type' but when's that helped me in the past?!
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