Friday, 28 November 2014

Baggage Boy.......

Baggage Boy appeared in my life courtesy of Tinder on the 7th October he appeared with 'How u doing? I looked at his profile and thought he looked alright, really nice in some of his pics, not so nice in others. I responded and we went on for some time chatting on Tinder on a pretty much daily basis. 

I didn't realise until recently that he'd actually asked me out on there a few times but I'd pretty much ignored him, I'm not really sure I know why to be honest, he'd also given me his number but I'd not used it. 

I was away for a few days on a conference with work on the 20th and 21st October and the wifi was rubbish so I sent him my number, within minutes a text appeared and we carried on talking. I left to come home and when I got home the phone rang, it was him, it's quite rare these days for a man to pick up the phone from online dating and I was pleasantly surprised, we had a nice chat for about half an hour, we'd both had rubbish days and both felt we'd cheered each other up. 

Baggage Boy is called that because he has been married twice and has a son, who is now four, he has also been ill recently.

This carried on, talking and texting everyday, we planned to meet for a date on November First, however on the Friday he went quiet, I was actually a little upset as we'd got on so well, I had a couple of texts but I felt that the tone had changed. The date never happened. 

I left it and he rang on the Thursday evening, saying he'd been ill and hadn't moved, I thought it was time to sort it so asked if we were going to meet up, we agreed to meet up on the Sunday, I wanted to have a look at camera's and he lives near a big shopping centre, so decided I should go to his and we'd go from there, as parking is a nightmare. 

After the last episode I expected to be fobbed off, Sunday morning came and I got a message asking what time I was coming over, he asked me if I could make it earlier as he had the Dr's at 3, I was really nervous as I wasn't prepared as I'd not expected it to happen. 

I travelled over to his and as soon as we met it felt like we'd known each other for ages, we had a good giggle walking around and ended up in the pub, he asked if I would go to Dr's with him so we could carry on after but that turned to be a bit of a disaster and I went home, we spoke that evening and he said how much he'd enjoyed himself and didn't want it to end, I'd very unusually felt the same, before the date had finished he'd asked if I wanted to do something the following week, to which I'd said yes. 

The week very much carried on in the same vein, daily calls and texts and on Saturday I got a call to say he'd pick me up and we'd go from here, massive cleaning commenced, I don't know if you know this but I breed cats, I have five and have a litter of six kittens, he knew that but I think 11 pairs of eyes staring at him was still a bit of a surprise 'there are a lot of them' he said, he did great, played and cuddled them and then we went out, with the intention of the cinema but we actually went for dinner (me going for dinner, I know, amazing) we had a lovely time, many giggles again and ended back at his for an hour, before he brought me home, we had a little kiss too. 

The week carried on as before again, until Friday, when he went quiet, I knew I wouldn't see him as he was away the following week and then off to Greece for 9 days with work (where he is now) the silence prevailed until Monday when he rang to say he'd managed to get the phone stuck in the car and had had to have it dismantled in order to get it back, he was due to go to Greece on the Weds, we talked for an hour and a half and it was normal, same again on the Tuesday and then he went to Greece, day one was good, got a message to say he'd arrived safely and then more messages in the evening and the same yesterday, I even got one saying 'miss ya' 

We now need to see what happens, I like him, he say's he likes me but boys are different these days, they seem to gain and lose interest at the drop of a hat, I would love to see him again, will it happen? Probably not! 

A little about him, he's 6'2 (my perfect height) well built, a Judo Black Belt, does Gymnastics (imagine the body!) dark hair, cute, decent job, lives alone (apart from when he has the four year old) and makes me laugh a lot and maybe my heart race a little. 

Lets see if this one brings anything further, it's almost unheard of for me to want to go to date three, chances are it won't happen! It's nearly 8 and I've not heard from him yet today, will he be able to not annoy me this time? I've got a rather emotional weekend coming up, which he know's about, will he be there like he says? Lets see......

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