There is both lots and nothing to report this week!
No dates last week, however I matched with two total hotties,
one ghosted not long after swapping numbers, called him out on it, he blamed
being busy, I’m done.
Second one sounded perfect, hot, 5’11 (a little under what I’m
after for perfection but you can’t have it all!) Ex Marine, now Electrician,
lives in the town I work in (amazing, I never match with anyone decent that is
close) he messaged me on Tinder saying that he was going to delete his account
as it wasn’t for him and sent me his number, so we messaged off app for a few
days and poof……he disappears too, what the fuck is wrong with them?!
The guy I went on one date with is still in touch however
his messages are massively depressing largely, he pretty much blames everything
on his ex wife, I don’t believe that when a relationship breaks down that it is
ever solely the fault of one person, even with W@nk Bag there were things that
I could have changed too, he was however a massive cunt but I can’t honestly
say that I had nothing to do with our relationship failing, if nothing else I
should have opened my eyes to the fact that he didn’t love me instead of
wasting five years of my life on it (and probably the best years for meeting
someone and starting a family at that!)
So, I find it massively hard to believe that his wife is a
totally bad person in all of this, I think he’s been trying to get me to
believe that he is the better person and has used the term ‘but I’m too nice’ far
to many times, no mate you aren’t too nice for letting your wife sleep in the
main bedroom while you go to the spare room, once we split with someone if we can’t
move out straight away we have to make compromises like that, it’s not being
too nice, it’s a compromise to get you through until you sort things out. I did
it with my ex before W@nk Bag, we lived together for around 9 months while we
were selling our house, we both made compromises to make it work and try to
make life as easy for each other as possible.
He told me he was having his son over the weekend ‘while she’s
away’ and mentioned that he found it daunting having him overnight, it’s his
son for gods sake, he shouldn’t feel daunted by having his own child overnight,
it’s his job! I hate this notion of ‘Daddy babysitting’ Daddy doesn’t babysit,
Daddy has joint responsibility for the child that he jointly made, he’s not a bloody
To be fair on the date I thought that his photos were a bit
out of date as he’s definitely got less hair now and that there wasn’t any
chemistry but I would have been willing to meet him again as he seemed quite a
nice guy but all of these little messages have been making me wonder, probably the
more messages I’ve had the more I’ve wondered about seeing him again.
He messaged this weekend asking if I’d like to go to a local
race meeting, I couldn’t as I already had plans so said no, which is where I
think the message I received this morning came from and I don’t know how I feel
about it, if I’m honest.
My question is; Is this the message from a person that is having a rough time and a cry for help or a manipulator who is expecting that to make me feel bad?
Part of me feel’s sorry for him, he’s obviously having a
rough time of it and I totally understand that, I’ve been there, we’ve all been
there and partly because I’ve been there I feel I should be supportive but he’s
actually a stranger and I signed up for dating not being someone’s support structure,
I’ve been there before let’s be honest.
Last year when I met Cunt Face he’d not long lost his Dad, I
spent months checking he was ok, it was me that sent him off to the Dr to
discuss the depression that I could see, it was me that he talked to about his counselling
sessions (Don’t forget that I didn’t know about the GF) it was my shoulder he
cried on, it was me messaging on his first trip that he’d always done with his
Dad, it was me crying when I realised there was a girlfriend of 7 years…….it’s
not me he’s now dating (more about that later this week)
With Cake Destroyer I supported him through RAF basic
training, I told him he could do it when he didn’t think he could, I baked cake
to make him smile, I sent him supportive messages, told him he’d be awesome on
graduation day…….the week after he’d graduated he called it a day………….
I’m also support for ALL of my friends, I’m really fucking
good at it too, I don’t need and don’t
have time for friends that message every day but in a crisis I’m there, up or
down the country, if I can’t be there I support in other ways, I check they
have got out of bed, that they can cope with life (or pretend they can to get
to work or whatever) and I do that because I’ve been there, I’ve been in the
position where I couldn’t get out of bed, couldn’t leave the flat, couldn’t
stand up without passing out because I was THAT stressed and depressed, did all
of my friends rally round for me? Largely not to be fair but I’m brilliant at
hiding things, I’m a ‘I’m fine thanks, how are you?’ kind of girl, even when I’m
totally broken, I’m the kind of person that sends ‘I saw this and thought of
you’ presents a lot because I really enjoy making people smile.
Do I want to do it for someone else? No, I can’t say I do, I
take care of enough people (I’m a PA for fuck sake, it’s my job too!) What I
want is to spend time with someone that makes me smile, not that tells me his
ex is evil and he’s such a good person.
I spent five years of my life with an emotional bully and
manipulator, W@nk Bag convinced me it was all my fault and I believed him, if
we were out together and I talked to his mates I was flirting with them and he’d
get shitty with me, if I didn’t talk to them he’d say I was a miserable bitch
to the point that I just didn’t go out, it just wasn’t worth the shit that I
used to get for it.
He told me I was rushing him into us moving in together (after
four years) he made me feel bad for moaning when yet again he couldn’t be my
plus one because he had work but he didn’t need to work on pool night or when
his mates were out, if I feel someone is being manipulative now I avoid them
like the plague because I’ve been there and he was so good at it I didn’t even
know it.
When we started our relationship he told me his ex was a psycho,
I have no doubt he now says the very same about me and to be fair I think I
probably did act like a psycho girlfriend at times but I assure that while I
spent some time in psycho he certainly drove me there and pushed me through the
I am the sort of person that if anything I’m too kind, I
help anyone and everyone I can, I give too many chances to too many people,
even after they’ve hurt me so I hope you’ll understand why I can’t take this
one on, I don’t think I can do it again, I don’t think he’s over his ex and I
can’t help him do that, I think he needs to sort himself out before he brings
anyone else into his life – I responded, hoping I’ve been kind but I also didn’t
want to open it up so that I was a person he could vent to, in all honesty he
already has, too much for someone you are thinking of dating.