Sunday, 24 April 2011

The weekend

Well the Space Cadet is still getting in touch on a daily basis which I'm still unsure about, I think he probably wants a friend to be able to chat to, I on the other hand don't really want that, I think I am going to leave longer and longer between message replies and see what happens, the thing is the messages never fail to bring a smile to my face and life has been a bit crappy lately, so although I know it's going nowhere I'm loathe to get rid of it entirely, does that make sense?

There has been another flurry on the dating sites, again no one I'd like to meet!

Video Boy has been in touch asking if I'd like to do a date three (it was about 6 months ago that we had dates one and two) I've said yes (probably putely because I'm pissed off with the Space Cadet if I'm honest but we'll see what happens, I'm pretty sure nothing will have changed but he seems pretty convinced that there is some chemistry there!

The weathers been beautiful so decided to get a bit of sun, walked in and saw Billy Bullshit, gave him a massive cuddle, because I needed one and as the person I would have liked it from failed miserably it had to come from somewhere, I have to say he gives lovely cuddles.

Popped out to a birthday party last night, wasn't going to go as there's been a lot going on here but I did in the end, saw my knight in shining leathers early on in the night, he said I looked tired (I did and had gone out with hardly any makeup on!) I gave him a brief explaination of why and he told me how things were his end but I was with a friend so kept it short, I realised it's a year this weekend since the first night with him, so this time last year I was knackered for a very different reason! ;-)

I caught up with the carpenter that I need to give me a quote too last night, I'm sure my friend was trying to sell me, I told him what I needed doing and he remarked that I needed a handy man rather than several different tradesmen, her response was 'no, she just needs a man' I do love my friends, really I do! I commented that another of my friends was debating giving my business cards out to every nice looking man she saw, I think we sold me well there - not! Anyway I should be getting a quote visit soon!

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