Sunday, 10 April 2011

Drunken Texting (and for once it wasn't me!)

Well I went for dinner with a friend last night, looks like not getting drunk of a Saturday isn't a good plan! We had late night texts from the salesman, apologising for not coming for dinner on Monday and the usual flirty texts, the one for the book however is the message from the blast from the past (who incidently is seeing someone now!) he did warn me that he was going out and there may be some drunken texting but when I woke up this morning I got a text saying 'Why not me? I can give you all of my heart and soul and 100% devotion? I'll give you every part of my being? Romance, excitement but most of all love'

Now what's a girl to say to that? I decided that ignorance was the best route to take so turned over and went back to sleep, thinking that he'd probably wake up and cringe at what he'd sent, only to wake up a bit later to find one saying 'By the way that was true!' We've had a bit of a chat about it, in all honesty I don't like him like that, I wish I did, really I do but I don't, luckily I don't have to bump into him, why can't it just work that the people you like, like you and vice versa?

Life and love is a complicated process if you ask me!

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