Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Dinner with the Space Cadet

The Space Cadet came for dinner but on Monday instead of Sunday due to be getting put on call, he did ask if i wanted to go and cook over there but I declined, he was called out anyway so it's lucky I didn't really! We (as always) had a lovely evening, I'm told the food was great (I was a little nervous about cooking for him if I'm honest!) The cat hater blatantly didn't leave as a cat hater, in fact I think he may be a little fond of them now and we had a few bangs to the evening when my homebrewed Elderflower Champagne went with a bang and exploded all over the kitchen at about 1.30 AM just before he was about to leave! Once we'd both got over the shock and laughter I cleared up while he let the fizz out of the other bottles, at least there is always laughter when we get together!

These are the remains of the bottles that went bang!

I sent him off with enough dinner for the following day and home baked cookies, not to be complained at I don't think?!

His flat mate is having some problems with men and keeps nagging him for a hamster, I jokingly said I'd take my kitten over to visit her instead and he asked if I would really, so the kitten and I are supposed to be visiting at the weekend, will it happen? Who know's with him?!

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