Well it's been a while since the last update and it's been a bit slow, lots of chatting but not much else to report, was asked on a date for tonight but decided not to go, I've got loads on and my minds all over the place after the week I've had!
After lots of messing around and jumping through hoops I finally got made redundant on Wednesday, a pittance of a redundancy and the bills to pay is playing on my mind!
I was asked over to the Space Cadet's on Wednesday after being made redundant though, I did hesitate but I went in the end and we had a lovely afternoon drinking tea and watching a rally film that he'd found out for me, he also had a cap for me from the Gumball rally that he'd had to go to for work in the week, quite sweet really. He's very easy company to be around, which with the situation can be hard at times, I think I'm doing surprisingly well with the whole friends thing though as that's not something I wanted at all.
Prior to this visit we had planned on dinner this weekend and I volunteered to cook (which I am now kind of regretting!) and he's meant to be coming on Sunday for Spaghetti Carbonara and I actually feel a lot of pressure for it to be perfect which I don't think I should and on the other hand part of me expects him to cancel at the last minute, oh what a mess!
Musicman is still in touch and we are talking about meeting up, so now I have no job this might happen, he seems sweet.
The squaddie has now gone onto texting and has sent me two pictures, one of his arse and the other of the back of his body, both professional shots! I have to say from behind he's fit! He's away this weekend so I don't expect to hear from him, he also lives nearly three hours away so I can't see it coming to much to be honest.
We have a new one on the scene, the one that asked me on a date tonight, all I can say is he's a bit too keen, texts, can we talk on the phone, e-mails, just too much too soon really and I'm rubbish with men that are too clingy at the outset, he's a perfect example of this so I'm not sure I'll want to actually meet him, maybe I should just to see, ohhh I don't know!
It's the weekend and I'm full of cold again, not good :-(
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