Saturday, 15 January 2011

Billy Bulls**t

Now we have Billy, he doesn't quite fit into the normal picture, he's tall, handsome and blonde! He is quite frankly gorgeous but everything that comes out of his mouth is utter bulls**t!

Billy made his first appearance back in May (in fact around the same time as the Knight arrived) he asked me out within minutes of meeting and persued me mercilessly during the summer, there is an awful lot to like about him to be honest, he is pretty, sweet and you can't help but melt a little at the smile and frankly I've always been a sucker for a looker :-) On the downside he's been a bit of a bad lad in the past and has a bit of an iffy background, oh and has slept with at least one of my friends, never a good sign.

To be honest he was great for building my confidence up, told me I was beautful all the time (including when I saw him last night!) and had compliments flowing like they were going out of fashion, I did go on a 'kind of' date with him in the summer but couldn't really deal with all the stuff that he came with, he is, however one of those guys you just look and and think, yes you are fit!

He decided to tell the village that we had slept together (well I guess we did, he slept in my bed when he was having some problems at home at the same time as me but that was all that happened) I felt the need to tackle him about this last night and he denied ever saying it, the good thing was that enough people were there to hear him say it, including that he would have liked to but I was having none of it! I'm glad the air was cleared.

Now I live in a smallish village and Billy and Knight know eachother, yes you should have seen my face when I realised that one!

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