Saturday, 15 January 2011

The blast from the past

I don't really know where to start with this one, we used to hang around in the same group while I was in my late teens, early 20's but I can't say I knew him well, he requested me as a friend and because I knew him I accepted, the sunday after New Year a message arrives in my inbox asking how I am etc and 'I know this is a bit random but would you like to go for a drink sometime' Well I did think it was a little random and wasn't sure about going for a drink with someone I hardly remembered so we've been e-mailing and getting to know eachother better, I've agreed to go out for a drink but I can't really go out in the week and he's working weekend shifts for the next few weeks so it's going to be a while yet, he seems really sweet but will there be any chemistry?

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