Well this guy came into my life in May 2010 and appeared at a time when I was particularly low following the break up, I first met him in my local sports club, he came up to me and said 'I'm sure I know you from somewhere' I replied 'I doubt it, I'm not from around here!' I moved to my village four years before but hadn't really got into the village life (how things have changed!)
He continued to talk to me and I found myself looking around to see why he was spending so much time talking to me, he is a friend of the girl I was out with and I kind of wondered until I saw her face if she'd put him up to it, he is your typical tall, dark and handsome, over 6 feet tall, brown eyed, a running addict (not that I knew all of this at the time) and just quite lovely really.
The friend I was out with did a disappearing act and he very kindly offered to walk me home as I had no idea where I was going, it turns out that he lived in the next street, he walked me home and left about 12 hours later, so much for that cup of tea eh?!
The same has happened a couple of times since, one thing I really like is that things are so easy between us, I don't think he will ever realise how important he has been in my road to recovery, he helped to rebuild the confidence in me that had been destroyed.
I've called him my 'Knight in Shining Leathers' as he often turns up with DVD's for me to borrow and once he turned up at my door in his full bike leathers, he has excellent taste in films and every couple of weeks I'll get an email asking if he can pop around with some he thinks I'll like, these days he does just that, DVD's, cups of tea/wine and a chat, there is definately chemistry there but I'm not convinced that we don't both like eachother a bit too much to take it any further and ruin the really good friendship that's come out of it.
There are often comments when we are in the same place by people that have no idea of what's happened before, I didn't think it was that obvious!
I saw him in the pub last night and sat with him for a bit, he's had a rough time of late, I have a feeling he may crop up a fair bit in this blog.
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