Friday, 13 May 2011

Do you regret what you do? Or regret what you've not done?

Something I've been thinking about a lot lately if I'm honest is whether I should regret what I have done or risk regretting what I haven't? I think sometimes I'm held back from doing things because of what people might think.

For example Quote Me Happy, now I've been thinking about asking if he fancies a drink away from the village, dinner was talked about earlier in the year but as part of bet that we couldn't agree who'd won (I did but he says he did!) the bet was whoever lost paid for dinner, he said that he didn't lose but would happily buy me dinner, I turned this down on the basis that I had won and wasn't going to accept that he had!

I got his quote in the week, it's by no means cheap but around the price I was told by someone else a while ago, so I need to think about that one as it's still a fair amount of money.

Anyway back to the story, I've been debating this for some time (well since he stayed here to be honest) but what if he says no? It's a smallish village so I would inevitably bump into him which could be embarassing, also if he was interested would he have not done it? I hear these things are changing, are they really? Is this supposed to be my job too now?

So do I ask and regret when he says no or regret not asking and never know? Hmmmmm, ponder, ponder, ponder!!

The Salesman is still in touch, as is Art Boy and I've been asked out several times on POF this week, will I go? Who know's eh?!

The Space Cadet continues to be in touch daily, what else would we expect eh? It isn't as much as it was originally, we are however going to see the Superbikes together in july which I'm really looking forward too, I also get to see one of the riders that I'm dying to see! He's asked why I'm not going to his flat warming and suggested I stay there for the night but I don't think it's a good idea (although maybe I should go and cop off with a couple of his cricket mates?! That'll learn him! lol!)

I got taken out to lunch today by someone who doesn't appear here yet, I must write him a blog entry, it was a nice lunch, he's married and for that reason alone i'm not interested but there are many more too if I'm honest, the lunch was just as friends and it was very pleasant.

I have been accused of being too friendly with yet another of the village men that has an other half, my friend was telling me about it today, all the poor bloke did was put his arm around me at the jukebox and his other half and I are quite friendly but it turns out that the other half also has a crush on Quote Me Happy which I find odd as she's been the one that keeps trying to fix us up, nowt as queer as folk I think is the relevant saying!

My friend was telling me how she tried to explain that about 95% of the men in the village wouldn't meet my expectations anyway and that this would mean that they wouldn't stand a chance, this again got me thinking, maybe I am too picky? I wouldn't even look at someone that wasn't at least 5'10 but actually I prefer 6' or above, I do like the lookers (I don't know how my ex happened I really don't!) I wouldn't date a smoker again and to be fair I could go on with this list for many blogs and years to come, should I lower my expectations in order to find someone?

I have also been thinking today that I am not sure I'd be ready to change my life to have someone in it, I still want to go out and get drunk with my friends at a moments notice and have no one moaning about it, if I want to spend the day in bed no one cares, if I want to go out for the day I have no one to answer to and I like that, saying that I spent the night in tonight and would have quite liked to have spent it cuddled up to someone on the sofa, maybe I just need to hire an escort for nights in?! Hmmmmm, lots to think on.......

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