Showing posts with label Art Boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Boy. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Busy Times!

Well it's been busy but not really in the dating field! I took a huge leap on the job front and went for something that came with massive opportunity but also massive responsibility and a big change, the job is similarish to before but the industry is entirely different to anything I've ever done but a bit of a dream for a petrol head like me!

The dating fronts been quiet, I've really not done anything to push it and you can probably see from my last post, I keep getting messages from Artboy and Intel but I really don't think I want to go down either of those avenues, Car Salesman has fallen off the planet and the Space Cadet is, as ever in daily contact!

I don't want to tempt fate but I did, however meet someone a few weeks ago, he's not from a dating site, he lives in the village but isn't from the village and was introduced to me by a friend, the thing is, when we go to Messy Sunday we always read our star signs in the Sunday magazine (we were born on the same day!) it said that a friend was going to introduce you to someone significant, we joked about it, she said she didn't know anyone decent enough (fairly normal in the village!)

A little while later her and one of the boys that is a Messy Sunday regular with us, introduced me to one of the guys they play Poker with, nice but not really my type and neither me or the Evil Twin were either drinking or out for long (I know very unusual and I'll make sure it doesn't happen too often!) We played a couple of games of skittles and then went home.

The next time I saw him was at a charity night a week or so ago, we were talking and he was saying he'd just moved, it turns out he's literally opposite my place! Now Evil Twin normally walks me part of the way home but decided that he was responsible enough for the job, so he walked me up but I left him at the corner of his and said goodnight.

We were all out again on Sunday and Evil Twin and Mr Modest (ha, hardly!) lamed out about 10 and went home but I was determined that being my first Messy Sunday for ages there was no way I was leaving before closing, so he (I think we'll go for Blue Eyes for him for now) stayed out with me and we continued drinking and talking, as we walked home we were having a discussion about why we were both single and I was telling him how I didn't want to settle for second best or spend my life with someone but not being really happy, he said it was the same for him.

When we got to the corner where his is he said he couldn't work out where I lived (which is easy done from where he is to be fair) so I showed him and he came in and we continued drinking and talking, until that was that he kissed me, which pretty much continued for the rest of the evening, well until about 7 AM to be honest when I decided it was time for him to go home so that I could at least try to get a couple of hours sleep in before starting work at 10! He said he was going to phone in sick which I thought was a little lame!

It was a really nice night, he's a pretty good kisser and the only reason I put it off going any further was that I actually do like him and I'd hate to make the whole friend thing become awkward if it goes wrong or only turned out to be a one nighter it could make the Messy Sunday Awesome Foursome all a bit awkward!

Talking to Evil Twin last night, she was really happy about it, she can't help but sing his praises, whether for one or both of us it was just the drink talking I don't know but I had a HUGE smile on my face all day Monday and a fair bit of the old Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk, for anyone that know's the Space Cadet story when I feel Eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky it normally leads to disappointment because it never works out. Evil Twin said I looked like the cat that had got the cream last night, so now it's time to get ready to come back down to earth and I'm very much hoping it's not awkward at the weekend! :-(

For the 'records' he's about 6' tall, dark, curly hair, very lovely Blue Eyes (hence the name!) and is really not my type at all.............., oh and he's also a smoker which is on my never again list!

Friday, 13 May 2011

Do you regret what you do? Or regret what you've not done?

Something I've been thinking about a lot lately if I'm honest is whether I should regret what I have done or risk regretting what I haven't? I think sometimes I'm held back from doing things because of what people might think.

For example Quote Me Happy, now I've been thinking about asking if he fancies a drink away from the village, dinner was talked about earlier in the year but as part of bet that we couldn't agree who'd won (I did but he says he did!) the bet was whoever lost paid for dinner, he said that he didn't lose but would happily buy me dinner, I turned this down on the basis that I had won and wasn't going to accept that he had!

I got his quote in the week, it's by no means cheap but around the price I was told by someone else a while ago, so I need to think about that one as it's still a fair amount of money.

Anyway back to the story, I've been debating this for some time (well since he stayed here to be honest) but what if he says no? It's a smallish village so I would inevitably bump into him which could be embarassing, also if he was interested would he have not done it? I hear these things are changing, are they really? Is this supposed to be my job too now?

So do I ask and regret when he says no or regret not asking and never know? Hmmmmm, ponder, ponder, ponder!!

The Salesman is still in touch, as is Art Boy and I've been asked out several times on POF this week, will I go? Who know's eh?!

The Space Cadet continues to be in touch daily, what else would we expect eh? It isn't as much as it was originally, we are however going to see the Superbikes together in july which I'm really looking forward too, I also get to see one of the riders that I'm dying to see! He's asked why I'm not going to his flat warming and suggested I stay there for the night but I don't think it's a good idea (although maybe I should go and cop off with a couple of his cricket mates?! That'll learn him! lol!)

I got taken out to lunch today by someone who doesn't appear here yet, I must write him a blog entry, it was a nice lunch, he's married and for that reason alone i'm not interested but there are many more too if I'm honest, the lunch was just as friends and it was very pleasant.

I have been accused of being too friendly with yet another of the village men that has an other half, my friend was telling me about it today, all the poor bloke did was put his arm around me at the jukebox and his other half and I are quite friendly but it turns out that the other half also has a crush on Quote Me Happy which I find odd as she's been the one that keeps trying to fix us up, nowt as queer as folk I think is the relevant saying!

My friend was telling me how she tried to explain that about 95% of the men in the village wouldn't meet my expectations anyway and that this would mean that they wouldn't stand a chance, this again got me thinking, maybe I am too picky? I wouldn't even look at someone that wasn't at least 5'10 but actually I prefer 6' or above, I do like the lookers (I don't know how my ex happened I really don't!) I wouldn't date a smoker again and to be fair I could go on with this list for many blogs and years to come, should I lower my expectations in order to find someone?

I have also been thinking today that I am not sure I'd be ready to change my life to have someone in it, I still want to go out and get drunk with my friends at a moments notice and have no one moaning about it, if I want to spend the day in bed no one cares, if I want to go out for the day I have no one to answer to and I like that, saying that I spent the night in tonight and would have quite liked to have spent it cuddled up to someone on the sofa, maybe I just need to hire an escort for nights in?! Hmmmmm, lots to think on.......

Monday, 9 May 2011

The Weekend

Well it's been a bit quiet to be honest, I've got a rather nasty chest infection and it's making me feel pretty dire and to be fair I look like I've not slept for weeks (and to be honest I haven't really!) I finally gave in and went to the Dr's on Friday when I decided that it felt too bad to be the cold I thought it was, a dose of antibiotics and a note for a week off work which my boss is less than impressed about and that sealed that one.

I managed to get out in the sun for a bit on Friday which was nice, through the coughs and barking! The weekend was a bit quiet really, not a lot to report, the dating sites are still pumping e-mails through at an alarming rate. Have been asked on another date by one again today, don't know where they are all coming from.

Quote Me Happy popped in on Thursday to measure up for this job, I haven't got the quote yet, I think we are both a bit more shy when alcohol hasn't played a part! I also saw him out yesterday but not really to speak to, met a couple of new people in the village and played a rather interesting game of girls V boys pool, apparantly boys aren't that good at pool with two women doing all they can to distract them, we won - obviously!

The messages came again from The Salesman, who has now added me on Facebook and then text me to tell me he'd been looking through my photo's and that I looked great and still had my 'lush smile' which I thought was rather sweet, he still wants to meet up, I'm still not sure! He sent me a photo through and he still looks a lot like he used to but at the end of the day he still slept with my friend, even though that was a long time a go, I don't think i'm the sort of girl to forgive and forget!

Art Boy also text today and a couple of times over the last week, not sure on that one, the messages seem to turn a bit dirty fairly quickly and I'm not really into that if I'm honest so I'm not convinced it's going anywhere.

We couldn't have an update without a mention of the Space Cadet could we? He is still getting in contact every day but I am taking longer and longer to respond and he seems to be catching onto this now, which is probably a good thing, contact is definately decreasing, I did find it a bit odd last week when I got an invite to the housewarming and Beer Fest for his new flatmate, I really did find this odd, he really is an odd one that boy, funny isn't it, months of e-mails and texting, many non-dates and I still don't understand the bloody boy!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

So much to catch up on............

I've been meaning to catch up on here for about a week now, so there is a lot to put in here.

On Sunday last week I went out with the intention of having a couple of drinks in the sun, the weather was great as was the atmosphere and the drinks flowed, meaning that a couple of drinks didn't really happen and turned into a lot of drinks!

I decided it was time to tell the Space Cadet that I needed a bit of a break from texting etc, my head just can't cope with it, we were due a cinema visit to see a film that we both want to see, so I said after that I wanted a bit of a break as I don't want to get involved in somethng that's not happening, he said basically that he finds it hard to free up time for someone with work etc, etc and I said that I think if you wanted to you would, he responded saying that he can't wriggle out of work and summer Saturdays are taken up with Cricket when he's not working and maybe we should give it a shot as friends.

I said I was fine with that as long as I know where I stand but in fact I don't think I am, I don't really want to be his friend and didn't go on a dating site to make friends, also I wish I was more sober at the time to be able to ask why you would be on a dating site if you didn't have time for dating, maybe drinking didn't help on this occasion.

The texting has dropped off a little but is still happening everyday, today I am rather annoyed with him, after seeing his facebook last night but also annoyed with myself because I have no right to be annoyed with him, he has text me this morning but I've not yet replied and I'm not sure that I should at the moment, I'm well known for not being able to hold my tongue but I'm trying really hard to, I really don't want to bite his head off, however I'm going out shortly, will I be able to keep it in once I've been drinking?!

We are supposedly going to the cinema tomorrow, I still half expect it to be cancelled but apparantly he has booked the tickets, I cancelled a date with Video Boy (I'll have to go into that one later) to go with him, that I am currently regretting as at the moment I don't want to have to text him let alone have to be in his company! Maybe it's my turn to feign sickness?

There has been another flurry on POF, including one that may be a possibility for meeting, has been e-mailing for a couple of days and texting yesterday, he's not really tall enough for me at 5'9 and lives with his mum but he's nice looking and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be sleeping giving up his bed to sleep in the spare room, that alone at the moment has to be promising?! I think for now he will be Art Boy.

Video Boy has come on the scene again and asked if I'd like to try again at a first or third date, I have said yes (well with going for friends with Space Cadet if nothing else I need to take my mind off of it and he's nice enough)

Mr F1 has again asked if I'd like to go out, I've said maybe when he gets back from holiday which buys me a few weeks and Salesman has been been bobbing around as ever.

More soon and probably after tomorrow when I report nothing more than a friendly trip to the cinema, with my new found 'mate'

I can honestly say I'm not loving this dating malarky at the moment, why can't you just meet people in the old fashioned way like we used to?